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I - What is Motivational Coaching?
- It is a mental (cognitive) tool designed for Footballers who have reached Peak Performance or are still on their way to it.Once you get it you must maintain it.
- Through Mental Techniques Footballers will be able to maximise their potential to be in charge of their life and game.
II - Why is Motivational Coaching important?
- To motivate alone is not enough because Motivation can quickly fade.
So Peak Performers must be motivated and coached to the level of having Top Performer's skills built into them.Knowledge must be turn into Behaviour Patterns.
- Peter's Principle shows that we rise up to levelo f our incompetence every time we are promoted because we outgrow our space and function.
So we are to be constantly developing.
- Challenges are fiercer than ever in this XXI century through globalization in Soccer Planet.
- The best way to overcome Failure is to wire in Success.
III - How to go about it?
- addressed to individuals in private sessions
- addressed to soccer teams
- addressed to soccer clubs by implementing a 3 to 6 months Motivational Coaching Programm.
IV - When?
- Anytime is excellent to promote SUCCESS
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