About Book and Author
When a person comes to the point of self-discovery in God, knowing who he or she really is, that person can truly make a great change in life with full possibilities. Their incredible self-discovery can turn into a greatness that helps then to positively affect and change the lives of those around them. Within the pages of Discover the Real You and Change Your World ( Paperback, 978-1-60957-677-6), a Xulon Press title by Rev. Aforen S.O.G. Igho, readers will learn how to know, tap into, and affect one's world with one's potentials. But, more importantly, this book has the added good spiritual bent necessary for maximizing all of that.
"It is a book that covers all aspect of one's life," the author says. "Anyone that reads this book with total commitment and dedication will be affected positively, in other words, their lives and destiny will never remain the same again. The book will change and bring them to full realization of who they are. They are going gain a lot."
Rev Aforen S.O.G. Igho is The General Superintendent and the Presiding Bishop of the Heaven Fired Anointed Ministries International. He is also the CEO of Anointed Tube ( Anointedtube.com is a Christian Video Sharing platform offering online Christian videos with faith-based from Christian Preachers around the world, Christian music videos, etc. The World Database of Christian Preachers-Positively Touching and Changing lives in the World) and Touching Live (TV) Broadcasting Network. The youngest voice of two generations of ministry.He started Preaching at the age of 14.
He has spent over twenty years in ministry preaching this Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ in International Conferences, Seminars, Crusades, Churches, Mission Programs, Revival meetings, traveling to more than 95 nations.
Rev Aforen Igho, is the Stubborn Radical Blazing Fire of the Almighty God, a respected and Dynamic Preacher of the Word of God. Rev Aforen is well known humble revivalist and charismatic leader and has been used to both spark and fuel the fires of revival and he loves the Presence of God. He operates in the Miraculous, Evangelistic and Prophetic Dimension.
His anointed and Holy Ghost empowered messages have brought salvation, breakthroughs, turn around, divine lifting, deliverance, revival, healing and outstanding miracles to millions across the world as God’s power is demonstrated with signs and wonders. As a prolific writer, he has authored four books. He is also a Singer and enjoys Worshiping the Lord through songs- His Songs have touched and changed lives around the world, bringing healing to the hearts and lives of people. Currently, he's on some Cable Networks all over the world and preaching through the internet via his website and some other Christian websites.
Rev Aforen is by the Grace of God a Spiritual covering to several ministries in Europe, Asia, America, and Africa. Rev Aforen Igho is licensed and Ordained Minister of the Gospel and He is also, a loved son of the great man who passionately loved the Lord, Papa Archbishop Benson Idahosa